Slim supplement

A Slim Supplement vs. These Weight Loss Trends

A supplement for bloating can definitely help get your gut health in order which in turn can support you on your weight loss journey. However, you may be wondering if all of the trending weight loss tips that are popping on social media are worth your attention. 

Today we are going to dive into fasting, laxatives, and “oatzempic”. These weight loss trends have caught people’s attention, but will they truly help you achieve your health goals? We do not believe so. Many of these trends can give you temporary results for a certain issue you might be facing, but none of them are long term solutions or support options for you on your health journey. 

A bloating supplement regime that supports your gut, eating a balanced and whole food diet, while exercising regularly is what is truly going to take your health journey to the next level, but do not just take our word for it. Continue reading to learn more about these health trends, certain aspects that could be beneficial, but how in the long run they will not give you lasting support. 

Is Fasting the Latest Diet Trend and Can It Help You On Your Weight-Loss Journey?

The fasting diet is unique in that it does not require a specific type of food diet but rather focuses on how you eat rather than what you eat. The fasting diet focuses on your body’s fat burning abilities and metabolism. 

A fasting diet is separated between a period of time each day in which you eat and a period of time in which you do not. Approximately around 12 hours after you start to fast will your body start to experience the changes to its metabolism and overall hormones. 

The fasting diet does offer flexibility and customization opportunities as you can really specialize it to your needs and lifestyle. While a 12 hour fasting period is the minimum period recommended, some people fast for hours past this. You can also pick the hours a day in which these fasting hours will occur. 

In regards to calorie consumption, the idea behind a fasting diet is that you are offered more flexibility in terms of the food you consume. While on other diets a higher calorie deficit is recommended, with a fasting diet, your body is doing a lot of the work and will only require a small calorie deficit to be effective. 

While this diet method has proven effective for some, it can be detrimental to others. Long periods of time without food can cause some people to experience adverse issues such as dizziness, irritability, fatigue, and weakness. Fasting can also promote poor eating habits such as not eating enough throughout your day. While you limit the amount of hours to eat, you still should aim to consume the recommended daily intake of calories to sustain you. It is crucial to consider your own health profile when it comes to choosing a new diet fad. Reach out to your physician with your concerns.

How Laxatives Can Impact You and Your Overall Health

The true purpose of laxatives is to help move stool along your digestive tract when you are experiencing unwelcome digestive issues such as constipation. However, recently, some people have tried to use laxatives as a way to “detox” their body and some even believe it can help their body absorb less calories than what they are consuming. This line of thinking can become toxic and unhealthy, because laxatives should not be used as a way to lose weight. 

Weight loss is most effective when done in a proper and healthy manner. Items such as a bloating supplement can help aid someone’s overall health and in turn support their weight loss journey, but laxatives in comparison do not hold any benefits other than temporary relief of constipation. 

However, it is recommended that other steps be taken to relieve your constipation before turning to laxatives. Other methods such as exercising, increasing your water intake, taking a digestive enzyme supplement, and increasing your fiber intake, can all help to relieve you of your constipation in a less invasive manner. 

It should also be known that laxatives can cause you to become dehydrated and experience diarrhea while pushing the stool that is stuck in your digestive tract. In conclusion, there are no long term health benefits to taking laxatives, and actually can cause more complications. 

“Oatzempic” : What Is It and Why Is It Gaining Traction In the Social Media World?

“Oatzempic” is just one of the latest trends on social media that takes its name from the drug Ozempic — known for weight loss abilities. However, ozempic is actually a drug that is recommended to people with type 2 diabetics to help regulate their blood sugar. 

“Oatzempic” is actually a mix of rolled oats, water, cinnamon and lime juice. Due to its name, people are wondering and drinking this concoction in hopes it will help them lose weight in short periods of time. However, the ingredients in this oat smoothie will not do that. The ingredients such as rolled oats are known to have a high fiber content and because of that can be helpful in keeping you full for longer and aiding in your health journey that way, but all of the ingredients boil down to supporting you in that sense rather than as a quick-fix.

So, in conclusion, “oatzempic” is simply an oat smoothie that has garnered attention due to its name and the play on words. It is beneficial to note however that oats can be a great addition to a balanced diet and could still be used to help curb your hunger off for longer. 

All in all, all of these trends that are claiming to help you on your weight loss journey fluctuate in terms of being worthy of your attention. It is always crucial to do your own research on any new health habit you want to implement into your routine. At the end of the day, the basics of eating a well-balanced amount of whole foods, exercising, supporting your gut biome, and drinking plenty of water will truly help you reach your goals! 

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