vitamins to reduce bloating

Vitamins to Reduce Bloating and Combat Allergies

As the weather gets warmer and one’s environment becomes drier, it becomes more likely to experience allergies. The plants around us start to help fertilize other plants and when we breathe in these tiny particles, we might experience adverse symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes. 

Luckily, there are certain supplements that can help with allergies similar to those that help with digestive complications. Read on to find out what vitamins you need in your pantry to prepare for the beginning of spring. 

How Probiotics and These Other Vitamins Can Help Your Seasonal Allergies

Did you know that a big part of your immunity levels is impacted by your gut health? When your gut health is in disarray, your immune system is more vulnerable to invaders. Due to this connection, limiting the impact of seasonal allergies and protecting your gut requires similarities in one’s health routine. 

In a way, a probiotic for bloating can also act as a remedy to your seasonal allergies. By protecting your gut from instability you are strengthening your immune system and reducing the chances of experiencing harsh allergies. A bloating supplement such as a probiotic can also help to reduce the inflammation in your body caused by allergies. 

When you are experiencing allergy symptoms, your body is releasing histamines. Vitamin C is a supplement that can help minimize the amount of histamines that are being released from your body and in turn help to reduce the severity of your symptoms. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that can be consumed in the form of a supplement or derived from the foods you consume. Broccoli, strawberries and oranges are all foods that can help to increase your vitamin C intake. 

Similarly to vitamin C, bioflavonoids can also help to reduce the amount of histamine being released from your body. A bioflavonoid is an antioxidant known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Celery, soybeans, and leeks are all foods that contain bioflavonoids – making them a wonderful addition to your spring meals! 

Bromelain is an enzyme extract that can be taken from pineapples. They have been used medicinally in some parts of the world due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its ability to reduce inflammation, it could be helpful in reducing congestion caused by allergies. Be sure to speak to your physician before adding any new vitamin or supplement to your routine. 

Other Factors That Might Be Contributing to Your Allergy Symptoms

Allergies occur when the body finds a certain substance foreign. Your body will then develop a certain monitor for this same allergen, so that when it comes into contact with the foreign substance again, it may properly alert you. Aside from having an allergic reaction to pollen, your body could also develop allergies towards certain foods, insects, medications, materials, or even mold. 

Certain factors put you at a higher risk of having allergies. If it runs in your family or if you have asthma, there is a higher probability that you might have allergies. It is crucial to know your triggers so that you may alter your routine accordingly and/or avoid said trigger. However, when it comes to allergies connected to pollen and the environment, it can be challenging to avoid spending time outside. That is why learning how best to control your allergies and overcome your body’s reaction is crucial. 

Dust mite allergy is another common type of allergy that many people overlook. When dust starts to accumulate in areas around your house, you are more likely to experience an adverse reaction due to the small bugs that live in the dust. In order to avoid a reaction to dust mites, try to keep humidity within your home low, regularly clean the areas of your home, and clean your bedding regularly. 

With the tradition of spring cleaning, you are bringing up more dust than normal so you are more likely to see the impact of dust mite allergy at that time. However, cleaning is essential to ridding your environment of the potential trigger. Make sure to clean those small areas that you tend to neglect, as this is neglected dust tends to multiply. 

At-Home Relief Options for Seasonal Allergies

The severity of one’s allergies can range from mild to painful. Luckily, there are some ways to find relief at home from allergy symptoms! 

  1. Heat Compress - When congestion gets really bad it can lead to face inflammation and pain. A heat compress can be a great way to minimize the pain and can even help to move any mucus that might be stuck. 
  2. Nasal sprays - There are many nasal sprays on the market that can help minimize your mucus production. While some of these sprays only offer temporary relief, it can be a great way to feel better while you find a more long term solution. 
  3. Use an air filter - An air filter can help to purify the air in which you breathe in your home. As mentioned above, allergen triggers can live inside your home and outside of one’s home. Purifying the air can help to minimize the chances of exacerbating allergies. 
  4. Drink herbal tea - Herbal teas have natural anti-inflammatory properties and antihistamine properties that can help you with your battle against allergies. Chamomile is an incredibly popular herbal tea that can also act as a way to achieve a more restful sleep at night. This can be especially helpful for those who are struggling to get a good night’s rest due to allergy symptoms.
  5. Find Local Honey - Local honey can be a great way to get your body accustomed to the environment in which it takes in every single day. It is crucial that you find local and raw honey to consume, as any other honey would not be beneficial in terms of minimizing your allergy symptoms. This can be a great way to sweeten up a cup of that herbal tea. 

We hope you have a wonderful spring filled with blooming flowers and that this guide has helped you feel more prepared to handle allergies should they develop for you.

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