vitamins to help reduce bloating

Wellness Rituals and Vitamins to Help Reduce Bloating

Did you hear the good news? Taking care of yourself and prioritizing self-care is trending this year! 2024 is the year of wellness and we are here to break down all the latest trends. Due to the connections between the different processes within the body, many wellness rituals can actually help boost your health in a multitude of ways. Today, we are going to break down wellness rituals that support your digestive and overall health. 

What Is Cold Water Therapy and Is It Worth Adding To Your Routine? 

Cold water therapy is the process of immersing yourself in water below 59 degrees Fahrenheit to reap certain health benefits. Immersing yourself in cold water for a portion of time can promote blood flow, increase your metabolism, help regulate your mood, and reduce inflammation. 

Cold water therapy is extremely flexible in that you can truly customize it to your needs. It can be done by fully immersing your body or you can simply spray your body with the cold water. 

Types of cold water therapy: 

  • Taking a cold shower is one of the most accessible ways to participate in cold water therapy. It can help to jolt your body and brain in a unique way. Taking a cold shower can lead to a release of endorphins leaving you generally in a better mood after your shower. 
  • Plunging into an ice bath is definitely more ambitious and can be harder to coordinate, but can offer a variety of different benefits. Ice baths tend to last around 10 minutes and up to 15 minutes. The prolonged time in the cold water offers more localized relief for those who have sore muscles. In addition, ice baths will reduce inflammation and can help with any pain you might be experiencing. 
  • Swimming in a cold body of water can be a great way to get outside and support your health. If you live near the ocean or a swimmable lake, consider plunging into the water to reap the benefits of a cold plunge. Be sure to take in the beauty of the nature around you and take deep breaths of the fresh air. The added factor of nature makes this option a wonderful option due to the benefits that nature has to offer. 

Why You Should Prioritize Regulating Your Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is one of the most prevalent stress hormones that we can find in our bodies. Cortisol works alongside your brain to control your mood and instincts. The cortisol in your body impacts a number of different aspects of your body including your blood pressure, your inflammation levels, your sleep cycle, and your energy levels. Your body is responsible for managing your cortisol levels as needed, but sometimes they can become unstable. 

When your body is in a constant state of stress, it can lead to an instability of cortisol and cause many different complications such as anxiety, weight gain, inflammation, irritability, and digestive complications. While supplements that help with bloating and mood can offer a moment of relief, one must regulate their cortisol levels to truly diminish these potential complications. Not having enough cortisol can also cause complications such as fatigue, muscle weakness, irregular bowel movements, and a change in appetite. 

Here are some ways to support your cortisol levels:

  • Cultivating a sleep routine that aligns with your needs is crucial to supporting your cortisol levels. Your sleep can become impacted when your body is constantly in a state of stress, which is why one should find ways to support a healthy sleep schedule. For example, stepping outside into the sunlight for a period of time each morning can help to support your circadian rhythm and make you more sleepy at the end of your day.
  • Knowing how to bring yourself down from a state of stress is not easy to achieve, but can be life changing! Everyone is different so be sure to explore different stress-relieving activities to help you destress. Some common stress relief practices include meditation, yoga, and grounding! 
  • Certain herbs such as ashwagandha are known to help reduce stress levels naturally. Taking these herbs in the form of a slim supplement can be a convenient way to support your cortisol levels and bring your body to a state of relaxation. Our very own supplement called Metaboliz contains ashwagandha for this very reason! Shop your stress-relieving buddy here today! 

How To Stimulate Lymphatic Drainage and Its Connection To Your Digestive Process 

Inflammation and bloating are not necessarily painful, but can feel frustrating and overwhelming. These complications can be especially challenging to overcome. A clogged lymphatic system can be one of the reasons you are experiencing these ailments. Your lymphatic system is made up of lymph nodes, organs, and tissues; it is responsible for flushing the waste and toxins out of your body as well as regulates your immunity levels and the fluids in your system. 

So what should you do when your lymphatic system gets backed up? 

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! When your body is not getting enough fluids, it will start to retain the water in your system which is what leads to bloating. A lack of water can also make it challenging for your body to properly flush out waste leading to other complications including constipation. 
  • Deep breathing seems like such a simple act, but can actually completely transform your lymphatic drainage system. Deep breaths can help to promote movement of waste throughout your body. Consider adding some deep breath work to your meditation or low-impact exercise routine. 
  • Get a lymphatic drainage massage. A lymphatic drainage massage can be done by a professional and uses the different lymph nodes throughout your body to help transport the waste in your body. The masseuse will focus on using pressing movements to push the trapped fluid and waste outwards. 

The less inflammation you experience, the more likely you are to have higher energy levels, a stable mood, and less bloating. All of these wellness rituals can be a great way to avoid digestive complications and to feel less inflamed.

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